This blog is an attempt to better communicate with the cast, crew, and parents in effort to make the production process run more smoothly. Feel free to email us with any questions you may have or call!
Dates for this year's play: March 5-6
This year's play: Disney's Newsies

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Attendance and Responsibility

We appreciate your commitment to this year's production of The Music Man. There are a few items I need to explain.
There are few events that constitute an excused absence from play practice.
They are as follows:
1. Illness of actor
2. Death in actor's immediate family
3. Unavoidable events that are school-related (i.e. awards bamquet, track meet, volleyball tryouts)
4. A job that cannot be resceduled until closer to the play-all actors MUST be at all practices the last 2 weeks of practice-if you need to take vacation from your job, you must.
Events that DO NOT constitute an excused absence:
1. Family Vacation
2. College Visits (we have had a few of these already, but they are no longer cleared-schedule them at another time)
3. Doctor's appointments that CAN be rescheduled
4. Any type of lessons (the last 3 weeks of practice)

Please understand this is not meant to punish the actors in any way, but are simply the rules we've always followed. If you have a conflict with any date on the calendar, let me know ASAP. If you have an unexcused event, try to reschedule-we have replaced actors as close as the week of the play, due to breaking of the covenant responsibilities.

The second item to clear up is the area of responsibility. This is two-fold. The first part belonging to the students. Most are not doing their best. We need them to treat the practice time and their practice time at home (each day) as they would a job and as they are working unto the Lord. They seem to be giving it a half effort and we want them to succeed and do their best. We will begin repremanding them for not knowing their lines and not practicing their songs (this mainly relates to UPPER SCHOOL main roles).
The second part of this area belongs to you, the parents. If you have not turned in your volunteer forms, covenants, and fees, please do so immediately to the upper school office. We need LOTS of help to make this happen and it is now "crunch-time."

Again, thank you so much for your willingness to make Eastwood's drama program exist! We know you have a hard job, and that your children are VERY busy. Let's begin this next week of practice with a great attitude and our best efforts.
Please let us know if you have any questions! DO NOT hesitate to call and/or email (email is the BEST way to get us :).

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