This blog is an attempt to better communicate with the cast, crew, and parents in effort to make the production process run more smoothly. Feel free to email us with any questions you may have or call!
Dates for this year's play: March 5-6
This year's play: Disney's Newsies

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hair Woes

We understand that a few of you may be concerned about using the wash to color your child's hair for the play. Let me begin by assuring you that we understand your concern. Let me continue by saying that our hair ladies, Mrs. Bethea and Mrs. Cox, have thoroughly researched methods that produce dark hair and the product suggested for use. Mrs. Cox has professional Cosmotology experience. Please know that the product suggested is a non-harsh chemical. It has no harmful side-effects and we have been unable to find any bad reviews of the product. If you have had discussions with cosmotologists who may be concerned about the use of such washes on children, you may need to clarify the product being used.
We understand that some of you may still have serious concerns. We have discussed our solution with Mr. Geiger. The goal is to get everyone to have black hair. If you can achieve this with the use of something other than the wash, please do. We will give three scenarios, hopefully one of which will meet your needs.
1. Use the wash suggested on the Hair Handout.
2. Use the mouse that is tinted.
3. Use the colored hair spray used at Olympic Field Day.

We hope this helps. If you still have questions, please contact Diane Cox at 221-5681. Thank you for your genuine concern for doing things the best way possible. We appreciate your hard work as parents and could not do the show without you!

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